Forester Expansion Pack 1 Production Trees

Forester Expansion Pack 1: Production Trees is a new tree library for Forester for Cinema 4D. It provides 51 production level trees, all with materials and textures.
This expansion pack is not a simple library, it’s rather a plugin for Forester, offering additional features that are not available in Forester, such as render engine specific material creation, as well as seasonal creation of leaves. The generated trees are fully procedural, meaning that they can be modified infinitely just like any other Forester tree. In addition, each tree comes in 3 different representations: Adult, Young and Low Poly.
Following is a brief summary of the main features of Forester Expansion Pack 1. For a more detailed explanation about Forester trees in general, please visit the video documentation page for Forester for Cinema 4D. On that page, you will find an in-depth video detailing every parameter inside Forester.
Forester Expansion Pack 1 Feature Overview

Low Memory Footprint Trees
Each tree is carefully designed to give the best visual appeal with the least amount of polygons. This optimized methodology speeds up the tree preparation time when rendering
51 Unique Trees
This new library is a major supplement to Forester’s existing library, offering a wide array of lightweight and reliable assets for the demanding workflow of environment creation
Industry Leading Wind Effects
Trees in the pack can be easily animated using HyperWind, just like any other Forester tree. Wind can also be looped over a specific number of frames
Render Engine Selector
Users can select their render engine of choice for the creation of bark and leaf materials. The supported render engines are Cinema 4D (Standard/Physical), Octane, Redshift, Corona, Arnold, VRay and Thea
Season Selector
For the leaves material textures, users can select from 3 seasons: Spring, Summer and Fall. Each season changes the colors of the textures, making the pack highly adaptable to different environment scenarios
Alpha Mapped Leaves
Most leaves textures in this pack are alpha-based, giving a great variety for the leaf shapes which cannot be obtained from the regular polygonal shaped leaves

Leaf Material Count Selector
Users can choose to create up to 3 different leaf materials. Materials are created automatically with the click of a button, supporting Diffuse, Specular, Translucency(except in the Cinema 4D materials) and Bump channels.
Adult Young and LowPoly
Each tree can be created in 3 polygon levels: Adult, Young and Low Poly. Adult provides the most detail, while Young and Low Poly are useful when trees are used for scattering over a landscape
Fast Workflow
The pack is designed to speed up the creation process in a production environment, where the user and iterate between different tree types and looks with ultimate ease
Forester Expansion Pack 1 System Requirements and Render Engine Compatibility
Forester Expansion Pack 1: Production Trees for Cinema 4D requires Cinema 4D R20 and above.
Forester Expansion Pack 1: Production Trees needs the latest version of Forester for Cinema 4D installed. Owners of a Forester license need to upgrade to the latest version from their Forester download page. After installation, if a warning message pops up, it’s an indication that the user should upgrade to the latest version of Forester.
Forester Expansion Pack 1: Production Trees for Cinema 4D is compatible the Standard and Physical Cinema 4D render engines, along with the following third party Cinema 4D renderers: Arnold, Corona, Redshift, Vray 6, and Octane.
If the user opted to use another render engine not included in this list, they can either use the Cinema 4D material option, or create their materials manually using the textures that ship with the pack. If you are a render engine developer and would like the expansion packs to support your engine, you can get in touch with us using the contact form.